
We believe literary expression has the power to illuminate the human experience.

We investigate, explore, question, analyze, and fall in love with our literary texts every day. From Homer, from Shakespeare, from Dante to Frederick Douglass to Jhumpa Lahiri to Zadie Smith, students immerse themselves in vibrant, diverse worlds. Our literature serves both as a mirror for our students and a window to the wider experience.

We hope to offer all our students, regardless of identity, the pleasure and value of seeing themselves reflected in the texts they read, and to learn, with empathy and compassion, about cultures and experiences rarely explored.

In our innovative classes, we use a wide array of assessment strategies: multimedia presentations, design thinking, collaborative projects, dramatic presentations, and more.

What is most important: we teach students that the essential art of writing is more than “thesis, evidence, analysis.” It is an ongoing conversation between ourselves, the text, and our audience. Writing engenders epiphany both through the strength of language and the clarity of vision.