Step out of your comfort zone.
Connect. Transform. Dare. Dive into a conservatory-style, four-year theater program designed to help you develop into a skilled performer who has something to say, artistic integrity, and a standard of excellence. You will build confidence, communication skills, and make deep friendships. Learn to navigate diverse societies, celebrate your talents, and master the art of collaboration. The acting program incorporates techniques that guide you toward greater self-awareness, knowledge of your own artistic potential, and the relevance of theatre to the human condition.
Whether or not you have the passion to pursue theatre as a vocation, acting will give you an array of skills and techniques that allow you to discover your own approach to the craft and to become a leader in your chosen profession.
Studying an art takes you on quite a journey—dangerous, exciting, ridiculous, and sublime. And we travel it together on the path to discover—each of us—ourselves.
Director of THEATER
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What's Happening in Theater
Two Branson’s favorite community traditions – the Winter Arts Festival and the Annual Tree Lighting – were a blast!
Branson presents its annual fall musical, The Devil's Dating Service, by Maura Vaughn and Alexander Eccles '00, in three performances, November 14-16, 2024.
All are invited to FAB 2024: Festival of Arts at Branson on April 26 & 28, 2024.
Join us for two of Branson’s favorite community traditions – the Winter Arts Festival and the Annual Tree Lighting.